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The Power of Forgiveness

It’s impossible to make it to your golden years without having experienced some heartbreak. Everybody gets their feelings hurt now and then, and learning how to let go of that pain can make your life easier. You can’t always get a perfect resolution after somebody hurts you, but embracing the power of forgiveness is a gift you can give yourself.

The Power of Forgiveness

Are you the kind of person that holds a grudge? It’s natural to feel pain and resentment after somebody hurts you, but if those feelings start to affect your life negatively, you may need the power of forgiveness.

What Does It Mean to Forgive?

Forgiveness is probably the last thing on your mind if you’re feeling frustrated and hurt by someone else’s actions. However, it’s essential to understand that forgiveness doesn’t require forgetting that someone hurt you or repairing your relationship with them. In this context, forgiveness refers to an internally made decision to let go of the pain their actions caused you and move on with your life. The purpose is to give you the freedom and peace you deserve, regardless of the outcome of the conflict. So, how can you embrace the power of forgiveness?

Acknowledge That Grudges Have a Cost

One way you can help forgive someone is to be honest with yourself about how your grudge affects your overall well-being. Consistently harboring negative feelings can lead to bitterness and anger, sabotaging your existing relationships and exacerbating issues like depression and anxiety. Even if you feel your grudge is justified, the odds are good that it’s hurting you much more than it’s hurting the other person!

Think About How Forgiveness Can Help

While grudges can leave us mired in negative emotions, letting go of those frustrations can make room for more positive emotions that will make your life happier. People who embrace forgiveness have better outlooks and healthier relationships with the people in their lives than those who don’t. This can even lead to overall improved mental and physical health. You owe it to yourself to embrace forgiveness.

Embrace Forgiveness as a Process

In order to utilize the power of forgiveness, you need to find a way to let the hurt you experienced go in a healthy way. There are many different constructive ways you can process difficult emotions and get past a grudge:

  • Acknowledge your feelings about the way you were hurt, as well as the ways the lingering hurt impacted your life. You don’t need to dwell, but expressing those emotions will help you let go of them. Consider journaling about them or processing what happened with a trusted friend.
  • Try to view what happened from the other person’s point of view. This can help you understand why they took the actions they did, which can make forgiveness easier.
  • Make a conscious decision to forgive the person who harmed you and release yourself from the situation, even if you’re still hurt by their actions.
  • Focus on the relationships and events in your life that bring you joy. Maintaining a positive mindset can help you avoid dwelling on negativity.
  • View forgiveness as a process, not a one-time event, especially for deep or complex harms. If you’re still struggling to let things go, a licensed counselor or support group can provide some additional structure.


If you are struggling to let go of a difficult situation, the power of forgiveness can set you free. What are you ready to let go of today?

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